A Major Bank Failed. Here’s Why It’s Not 2008 Again

Silicon Valley Bank, a financial institution best known for its connections to high-flying international technology firms and venture capital, failed on Friday as a result of one of the oldest issues in banking: a bank run. Since Washington Mutual went down at the height of the financial crisis more than ten years ago, its demise is the biggest financial institution disaster.
A Major Bank Failed. Here's Why It's Not 2008 Again

And those impacts came right away. Other firms with connections to the bank struggled to pay their staff and feared they could have to postpone plans, fire, or furlough personnel while they waited for funding. What led to this? Here is all you need to know about the bank’s failure, who was most impacted, and whether or not it will have an impact on the US financial industry as a whole.


Silicon Valley Bank was hit hard by the downturn in technology stocks over the past year as well as the Federal Reserve’s aggressive plan to increase interest rates to combat inflation. The bank bought billions of dollars worth of bonds over the past couple of years, using customers’ deposits as a typical bank would normally operate.

These investments are typically safe, but the value of those investments fell because they paid lower interest rates than what a comparable bond would pay if issued in today’s higher interest rate environment. Typically that’s not an issue, because banks hold onto those for a long time – unless they have to sell them in an emergency.

But Silicon Valley’s customers were largely startups and other tech-centric companies that started becoming more needy for cash over the past year. Venture capital funding was drying up, companies were not able to get additional rounds of funding for unprofitable businesses, and therefore had to tap their existing funds – often deposited with Silicon Valley Bank, which sat in the center of the tech startup universe. So Silicon Valley customers started withdrawing their deposits.

Initially that wasn’t a huge issue, but the withdrawals started requiring the bank to start selling its own assets to meet customer withdrawal requests. Because Silicon Valley customers were largely businesses and the wealthy, they likely were more fearful of a bank failure since their deposits were over USD 250,000, which is the government-imposed limit on deposit insurance.

That required selling typically safe bonds at a loss, and those losses added up to the point that Silicon Valley Bank became effectively insolvent. The bank tried to raise additional capital through outside investors, but was unable to find them. The fancy tech-focused bank was brought down by the oldest issue in banking: a good ol’ run on the bank. Bank regulators had no other choice but to seize Silicon Valley Bank’s assets to protect the assets and deposits still remaining at the bank. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? There are two large problems remaining with Silicon Valley Bank, but both could lead to further issues if not resolved quickly. The most immediate problem is Silicon Valley Bank’s large deposits. The Federal government insures deposits to USD 250,000, but anything above that level is considered uninsured. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said insured deposits would be available on Monday morning.

However the vast majority of Silicon Valley Bank’s deposits were uninsured, a unique characteristic of the bank due to its customers being largely startups and wealthy tech workers. At the moment, all of that money can’t be accessed and likely will have to be released in an orderly process. But many businesses cannot wait weeks to get access to funds to meet payroll and office expenses. It could lead to furloughs or layoffs.

Two, there’s no buyer of Silicon Valley Bank. Typically bank regulators look for a stronger bank to take on the assets of a failing bank, but in this case, another bank hasn’t stepped forward. A bank buying Silicon Valley Bank could go a long way to resolving some of the problems tied with the money that startups can’t get to right now. IS THIS A SIGN THAT WE COULD REPEAT WHAT HAPPENED IN 2008? At the moment, no, and experts don’t expect there to be any issues spreading to the broader banking sector.

Silicon Valley Bank was large but had a unique existence by servicing nearly exclusively the technology world and VC-backed companies. It did a lot of work with the particular part of the economy that was hit hard in the past year. Other banks are far more diversified across multiple industries, customer bases and geographies. The most recent round of “stress tests” by the Federal Reserve of the largest banks and financial institutions showed that all of them would survive a deep recession and a significant drop in unemployment. However there might be economic ripple effects in the Bay Area and in the technology start up world if the remaining money can’t be released quickly.

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