Uber Cab Charged Approx 24 Lakh From American Couple In Guatemala By Mistake Refund Later

Uber Cab Charged Wrongly: Uber took a fare of $ 29,994 (about Rs 24 lakh) for a single ride from a married couple of America who went on holiday in Guatemala. Since the cab service was app-based, there was a transaction error, due to which instead of taking the fare in Costa Rican Colon (which would be $55 or Rs 4,500), it was charged in US Dollars. The mistake was discovered by the woman’s husband, Douglas Ordonez, when he went out to get coffee in Guatemala and his transaction failed while making a payment.

Giving information, Douglas Ordonez told that he was on a holiday with his wife to celebrate the fifth anniversary and his wife had booked an Uber to go somewhere. But when I got the message of low balance then I was surprised. Because I knew that there is money in our account. So I tried to make the payment again, but it failed again. After which I checked my bank account, then I came to know about this transaction.

According to Adams, everything was fine when I recovered. I received the receipt by email, then we both realized, that the taxi fare was charged in US Dollars and because of this we faced cash crunch for the rest of the vacation.

According to the couple, it was the worst way to start their 5 year anniversary. We both felt completely helpless. Of course we knew that, it was a mistake. But even then it was shocking and disturbing.

However, in a few days this matter was resolved and the money was returned. But due to this incident, he decided not to use this app from now on, one of the reasons for which was his experience with Uber’s customer care service, which was very bad.

At the same time, the reply given by the company said that it takes time to return the refund, which may depend on the individual policies of the bank. We take every report very seriously and act as soon as we get the report. Our team immediately started working to resolve it.

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