Thumbs Up emoji: The way of communication is changing day by day in the digital age. Today, instead of sending messages, people convey their words to others through emoji and GIF. We use Thumbs-up emoji a lot on all social media apps. Usually we all use it when we agree with something. Today we are going to tell you such a news in which sending a Thumbs-up reaction to a person became costly and he had to pay a fine of more than 50 lakhs. Read what is the matter
this is the thing
A Canadian court judge has considered the Thumbs-up emoji as a signature and due to this the court has asked a person to pay a fine of 50 lakhs. The Court of King’s Bench in Saskatchewan, Canada, recently heard a case related to a grain buyer at South West Terminal, in which the bench gave this verdict. Actually, what happened is that a grain buyer sent a message to a farmer in March 2021, in which the buyer wrote that the company was interested in buying 86 tonnes of Flax at a price of $ 12.73 per bushel.
Grain buyer Kent Mickleborough contacted a farmer named Chris Achter by phone and sent the message to the phone asking him to reply to the contract. On this the farmer reacted through Thumbs-up emoji. When the turn came for delivery, the farmer did not deliver Flax and then its price increased. After this both started fighting with each other. Kent said that Chris had replied to the message, which means the deal was OK. But the farmer said that he only wanted to tell through emoji that the contract has been received.
The court gave the verdict
While giving the verdict in this case, Justice Keen imposed a fine of $ 61,641 i.e. more than Rs 50 lakh on the farmer. The judge used the definition of emoji from to support his decision. According to, emoji are used in digital communication to express agreement, approval, or encouragement. Justice Keane admitted that this definition may not be official but this emoji is in line with his understanding and therefore he has imposed a fine of 50 lakhs on the farmer for not completing the contract.
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